A crazy idea or a life-long dream?

A bit of both.

If you ask David when he first had the idea to sail around the world, he’ll tell you that he can’t remember not having this dream. And in our dating days, when we were learning about each other and asking questions like ‘What’s on your bucket list?’ this adventure was most certainly discussed. ‘Someday…’ we said. And then of course, life happened. The practicalities of jobs, homes and raising a family happily took centre stage.

Then, a little global pandemic came along. About a year into that ordeal, like so many others, we found ourselves talking extensively about the holidays and adventures we’d want to take once those precious opportunities were given back to us. This was the context for what we refer to as THE Conversation. One morning, as we sat across from each other at our kitchen table, David casually shared that he’d begun to look into what it would take to actually take on a round-the-world sailing trip. My heart started beating rapidly. In a good way. In a way I hadn’t felt in a long time.

Taken January 1, 2021… mere weeks before THE Conversation would change everything.

If memory serves, we went from having that first casual conversation, to mapping out a plan that would get us to the starting line of this adventure, within a matter of weeks. It was almost as if we knew that if we didn’t jump in immediately - and with all of our feet - we might never do it.

There were careers to be navigated and negotiated. Properties to be sold. Schooling for Elliot to be researched. Training to be undertaken. Oh, and the minor detail of a boat to be built.

And so…here we are. Wherever in the journey you are joining us, we are glad you are here.

David, Joy & Elliot Poole

(The three of us make up the core, permanent crew of Pure Joy, but we hope to welcome many special family and friends for parts of the journey. You’ll meet them over at the blog for sure!)

This quote made its way to our family noticeboard sometime shortly after THE Conversation and remains there today.